Created October 17, 2020 9:00 PM (GMT+7)

After a long time of procrastinating and logged just a one of check list in my to-do list I finally get myself a personal website running again. I previously maintained personal site with the same address based on wordpress but I found myself too lazy just to update and finally got neglected.

Previously I based my web-home as a blog-first website and the constant "pressure" to update it finally got me to avoid to do it altogether, and unfortunately I stopped writing as well. Now with me just having this new site as a personal web-home I hope I can maintain it better and keeping away the dust and spiders out of this space.

Why Notion?

Notion is just a wonderful tool to use and since I write my portfolio case study here I wonder whether I just can build my own personal web-home based on notion and make my portfolio easily accessible.

Thanks to my amazing friends that love to tinkering with things (give them a visit here and here!), I think this one is really possible so I just give it a try, based on this solution. It's perfect as especially I'm not intended to make this new home as a usual blog format. I just want to make my portfolio that already in Notion can easily published, and I just can continue updating my portfolio in Notion and it easily updated and published to the interwebz.

Anyway, I may still write things once in a while during my learning time on maintaining this new home, and when I got another interesting notes that I wrote in Notion that I deemed shareable. Maybe some learning notes or random observation.

Check out my Portfolio if you haven't.


Made possible with Fruition x Notion