Created June 1, 2021 5:00 PM (GMT+7)

After these years working in a tech industry as a product designer, I found one of the most important and very valuable skill is actually asking questions. Often I heard designers is the problem solvers, solving problem creatively, I see it a bit differently. Yes it's still solving problems, but so as others get paid to do in a company. To put it simply, is to solve the right problem. So one of the most useful thing that you can do to really understand what you are about to solve is asking questions to your team, usually a Product Manager, to get really know what the team are want to do, and what to know what you can do next.

Questioning--deeply, imaginatively, and beautifully--can help us identify and solve problems, come up with interesting ideas, and spark more fresh opportunities. It's a skill, that we actually already used since childhood, since we able to talk and put words into sentences. We still need to practice it, hone it, and create "a more beautiful questions". Questions help us to understand better of the topics, problems, and goals, and thus we are able to reframe it so it can be a good design challenge.

I still find asking the right question, or, as Warren Berger said in his book, asking beautiful questions, is something that I need to constantly hone, as often things get more abstract and complex the amount of unknowns are getting wild.

"Asking why is a skill", said Mike Monteiro.